What Does It Feel Like To Fall Unconscious Or Pass Out?
Is it like falling asleep or how you feel when you go under anesthesia or does it feel different?
Sometimes it's just like nodding off for a second but it's actually about 30 seconds to a minute. Occasionally I'll have a freaky thing where I'm falling down a deep hole or tunnel spinning and then go unconscious. One of my neurologists says I can't have that with a seizure, but we found a research paper where the researcher says it does happen with some people that have temporal lobe epilepsy. Anyway, it's really scary - feels like you're dying.
i had many types and when i had a grand mal (tonic clonic), i always fall but never the thud... next thing i new i was on the floor. heres a video about the 1st seizure... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOsAhwdfob4&...
Just be precortus and make sure something new isn't tried
Nada, it’s good that you have warning. When notice a seizure coming, you can find a safe spot, before your seizure.
I have Complex Partial Seizures. That means I’m unaware of my seizures. So when I fall, I have no clue, when and how long I was out. It’s when I come to, when I start noticing clues that I had the seizure, like falling.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member I'm lucky that I get a warning before anything happens so I've never just fallen hard on the floor without knowing somethings up.
How Long Does It Normally Take To Regain Consciousness After A Seizure Has Ended?
I Was Told I Begin To Stare And My Face Goes Blank, If I Am About To Have One. For Some Reason, The Need To Urinate (possibly Due To Stress)