Can You Outgrow Seizures?
I was a minor when I was first diagnosed with epilepsy. I am now an adult and I went two months without taking my medication and didn’t go into a seizure. I heard it’s very rare to outgrow epilepsy as an adult but is it possible???
Some forms of epilepsy can be outgrown, but it depends on the person and their form of epilepsy. My nephew was diagnosed with epilepsy when he was very young and he eventually outgrew it. So it is possible, but not everyone will outgrow it.
God bless you!
I went from having gran mal and petit mal on an almost daily basis to none for almost 37 years. I had 3 seizures when the doctors told me my husband had a malignant tumor on the left side of his brain along with a brain bleed that couldn’t be removed. This was April 2017. They put me back on Depacote for 6 months and after 6 mths. they told me it was my choice to continue or not. I stopped taking it and so far, knock on wood, I’ve been seizure free. But I also know that they can come back at any time and that’s why I choose not to drive. I would not deal well knowing that I had caused harm to anyone if I had a seizure while driving.Or worse!
I went 10 months off meds after going a long time without any seizures. I thought i was done with it, but it all started again 6 months ago. It is rare and believe it can happen, i would just be careful. I thought i was over it and it just popped up again without any warning.
Is It Possible For My Newly Diagnosed 12 Y/o Son To Outgrow Epilepsy?
Did You Have A Diagnosis When You Were Young Were Diagnosed But Outgrew It ? Just Curious
As For Our Condition We Have, Are You More Ok With Now Then Back In The Day When It Was Diagnosed With And You Didn't Know What To Do With?