Elepsia XR
It Works Well For Me Who Else Takes It
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member It is exactly what you and I are taking. Levetiracetam is the generic version of the medicine and Effexor XR and Elepsia XR are both brand names for the same medicine.
It as if you and I are have a bowl of chicken soup. However, the others are having Campbell's chicken soup and Healthy Choice chicken soup. They are the brand name products and thus more well known (though Effexor is the more well known of the two). Thus Effexor is the Campbell's version and Elepsia is the Healthy Choice version of it. Whether the generic is exactly the same and the brand name versions of the medicine (the have the same biochemical formula) is always a question. Is there really no difference (purely psychological that the brand name works better than the generic version)? Or is there something additional that is in one that just is not listed?
Just like one anticonvulsant, alternative treatment, implant, surgery, etc. can be great for one person, it can be very bad for others. The only constant with epilepsy is that there is no cure. And the reality about life in the USA and too many other nations is the the billionaire owners of the pharmaceutical companies, fossil fuel industries, mega corporations, etc. do not have any rules that they have to play by because they own the politicians in all branches of governments in all of the key places. And regardless of what the name of the political parties in any given nation, most of them always deviate from the founding beliefs of the party. And the same goes for the form of governments. Human beings -- even those who start out honorable can eventually be bought. Very few can resist some form of temptation.
In the case of medications, this is why they can keep raising the prices without any restraint. And the insurance agencies only keep the clients who are profitable to them. Thus, the year Florida got hit with 2 hurricanes, the insurance agencies lost a lot of money to those in Florida who had house insurance for damage by natural causes. And a few months later the insurance companies were no longer offering that as an option on the home insurance. With all of the wildfires in the Western US, many of the insurance agencies have taken away fire insurance for homes. And just like that, my medical insurance wanted to switch me (and billions more) away from the medication that I was on to the cheaper one. It did not matter to them that the one I am on is for reducing bad cholesterol, and the one they wanted me to switch to was about lowering triglycerides. All that was important to them was that it was cheaper. And my doctor did not even have the right to tell them know, thus he explained it to me so that I could.
never heard of it but it is probably not for me. from pervious meds... i tryed everything under the sun with no effect and/or worsen reaction (including a increase in seizures).
people are different and therefore the meds are different. i am glad you got this med under control.
I Understand And Thanks I'm Praying For You
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member It is another name brand (along with Effexor) for Levetiracetam.
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