Do You Know About The Epilepsy Foundation, Epilepsy Society Or Equivalent In Your Nation?
These non-profit organizations can provide a lot of help for those of us with epilepsy and the caretakers of a spouse, child, sibling, parent, etc. with epilepsy. If you do not know of the one in your nation, then please respond to this question with the following
Your nation. Your city or town. Your state, province, or the equivalent in your nation.
If you provide this then those of us in your nation can get you the links to the epilepsy non-profit in your nation and the branch in your… read more
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member The is a robust Epilepsy organization called Epilepsy Florida, which is not affiliated with the Epilepsy Foundation. They're part of a different group called The Epilepsy Alliance. I just looked, and they service Walton County and have virtual support groups during the pandemic. It looks as though they may have in-person groups once we're out of the woods. In any case, it might be worth looking into them. https://www, or for information specifically about support groups.
So glad you asked this question.
The Epilepsy Foundation of America ( is great place to go to find answers to your questions and make donations for research. The local affiliates and chapters are the best organizations for programs and services such as support groups, information, human help in raising quality of life (yours and others), camps, becoming a part of a community, and other. To locate yours, you can check
In some cases, you may not find an affiliate/chapter that serves your needs. That being the case, please take a look at, where you can find a group of geographically based organizations that might be a fit.
The American Epilepsy Society is a medical association composed of doctors, for the most part. It's not a group for people with epilepsy or their families to contact to get information or advice.
CURE (Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy) funds research and is not a patient services organization.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member I will go on to your page and provide you with the links, that way they will not disappear from sight so fast. And, at any time, ask me to share them with you again. And sometime in the near future will have the second Skype meeting of at least the 5 of us in the first one and hopefully some others.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member That doesn't prevent you from contacting them on the phone or via email.
Epilepsy Foundation national 24/7 toll free phone number:
Most things with the Epilepsy Foundation can be done over the phone or in email. Which is very important in the larger states where you have to travel such a long way to get to the regional offices. Go on the state site and see if you can learn details you need just from one of the pull down menus. And if not, then call one of the staff member' s phone numbers or email them. Or simply call the US Epilepsy Foundation 24/7 helpline to ask them for help. And then they will make arrangements for the appropriate person to call you. They cannot perform miracles, but they can be very helpful in a lot of instances.
Thank you for being a kind friend to me as well! And helping others is mutually beneficial for an empath and those we help because making others happy or happier brings great happiness to those of us who are empaths.
God bless you! Happy Easter!
Do You Know What The Epilepsy Foundation Or Its Equivalent In Your Nation (or Even What Your Regional One Does)?
Who Is Eligible For VNS?
Pregnancy And Epilepsy Medicines?