Type Of Seizure
Has anyone ever experienced a non-epileptic seizure ? I'm not certain that I have these because I haven't been diagnosed. I've done research though on how different types of stress can be a trigger for a seizure. Things like anxiety, depression, or other mental issues. If anyone has ever experienced these, any imput that you have is greatly appreciated. I think I'm going to start by doing just some general therapies like meditation or yoga, I'm sure there are other things that can be used as… read more
For those who can't stand to follow the flashing light, they can do tapping instead. Worked really well for me on my fear of flying.
Several things can bring on a seizure such as Chocolate, High temperature outside in which this can bring on a seizure without any stressful situations around us. Everyone has certain "triggers" and that is how is how I avoid these certain things. Mark them down and avoid those certain situations and you will not have as many as you do now. If you continue to have seizures, consult with your neurologist about having a ( VNS ) implanted in you. This is a device to help you control seizures.
Some seizures are psychogenic, having no physical cause but triggered by stress.
Hey. Anything can cause seizure such as flickering blue lights, hot spices, sweets, and not sleeping. I take my meds on time everyday/night. Suddenly I found myself getting stressed about things and it caused me to have seizures. Nowdays I watch funny tv shows and movies to make me both laugh and it soothes my mind. I pray and I don't let any situations and I avoid people that will cause me to get upset/stressed being around them. My health comes first and that's all that really matters to me.
Yes. I have had them and every once in a while I will still have them, but they are extremely rare now. The key to understanding Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures (PNES) is to first get a grasp of where its origin point is. Unlike the epileptic seizures, the PNES can start in other places like the heart and also requirement different treatments than the epileptic seizures.
Here is the Epilepsy Foundation link to Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures (PNES): Cause, Diagnosis and Treatment
Great choice! Meditation and yoga benefit not just with both types of seizures but with so much more.
Meditation used to be a great ally of mine that I lost with the brain damage in 2003-2005. However, at my virtual appointment with my neuropsychologist, she explained to me that when I can get my anxiety disorder back under control, I should be able to get the benefits of meditation again (a big ally to me in keeping away insomnia, thus I will be glad to have it back). I have started working with a neuropsychiatrist to help me to get my anxiety disorder back under control (it has not been this bad since 2005), and I am making progress.
Can People Have 2 Types Of Seizures?
Who Is Eligible For VNS?
Can I Have Different Types?