When You Are Taking The Medication
When you are asked to take medication in the Morning and Night when Label on the box, would you follow it to 12 Hours between taking it, or what would you think of Various time in the Morning and A Various time at Night? If you didn't have a set 12 Hour Period would you think people would have more Seizures, Because I use to work early at 6am up to Last February, but would take my Medication at 9pm for Night , so this would be over a 12 Hour Period.
I have 2 pill box containers one for am & pm along with the 2nd one is small enough to fit in my purse. I set up all pills for the week. Also set alarm on my cell phone. Mine is 8am, 2pm, 8pm ~ as prescribed by doc.
It's good to stay as close as possible to 12 hour intervals, however I will admit I don't. I take my meds at 10 pm on the dot every night, however I don't wake up at the same time everyday. That all depends on how I am feeling, but I take them as soon as I wake up. There is usually about a 2 hour gap from a 12 hour period in the morning....but it hasn't effected me. It's not the same for everyone, but as long as I'm within a 2 or 3 hour range my seizures aren't effected.
I take meds 3 time a day 8hrs apart . When it comes to taking my meds I go by what my Dr. Schedule my meds for. If the medication bottle label has different times I don’t follow it.
When I was working, I always brung my meds with me and put them in my med box.
It depends on the medication you are taking. Some take their meds 3 to 4 times a day. For me, every 12 hours with a meal so I don't feel nausea.
@ 6:30 am, 1:30 pm and 7:30 pm
Has Anyone Have Experience With Getting Workplace Accomodations To Work From Home To Manage Their Seizures And Epilepsy?
Happy Holidays