Where Do I Find A Good Support Dog?
Here are a couple of links to try, https://www.pawswithacause.org/what-we-do/assis...
My support is my friends see alot as if you have friends try talking and getting together as its very good so do your best
i have a unaffecal seizure dog. got the pup from a local friend (dog had puppies). right away she noticed my seizures. a friend is a trainer so we train to sence a seizures (my blood pressure).
you can get most dog... i have a irish doodle, the poodle is the 4th most common to train. if you get it as a pup, he/she needs a little training. 1st you have to get obedence training. then get used to new people (excitment) and getting used to the leach. then the extra training to be your seirvice dog (costum to your needs). then the certifacate and the 'service dog' vest and other stuff.
heres a link for 2 links. 1st one is the dog that is compatable and training. the 2nd one is what you need for training and after you get the sirvice dog thing and benifits... and airline aproved sirvice dog seats.
I used to have labs an they stuck to me like glue when they senced an attack coming for sometimes days before an we knew there was something wrong when they clung to me
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member Thank you for the links! Very useful stuff!
I really appreciate it.
Does Anyone Live By Themselves And Not Have A Job?
I Thought Of A Service Dog A Couple Of Years Ago When My Seizures Became Really Bad But Decided Against It Because Of The Rising Costs.
How Can I Get My Dog Registered As A Service Dog