Lamictal Titration And Fatigue
Hi All
Has anyone been on Keppra and had Lamictal added? My son was fine up until last week he was at 75mg twice a day of lamictal and seemed to get a bit tired the second week after each dose increase but last week he was very tired and ended up missing school. He doesn’t seem to be getting any better his energy levels are so low. As of today he is at 100mg twice a day plus the usual 1500mg of Keppra twice a day. When I spoke to the epilepsy nurse at the start she said that Lamictal usually… read more
Medications effect everyone differently. Adults... male... female... children(you get the idea).
You should talk to your pharmacist. They're the "specialists" who know about how your meds work together and with what body type.
Your neurologist knows all about your brain and can help guide you through to what treatment is best for your situation.
Your pharmacist has the knowledge of each medication. How one medication interacts with another medication. What medication is good or isn't good for kids.
I've been on lots of meds over the years. I'm currently on multiple meds (more than2), but I've found a good mix for my body.
Even if the medication your son is on takes away his seizures and he doesn't have any anymore, If all he's doing is sleeping... he's not living. It's not worth it!
I was once on a medication that completely took away my seizures. First time that happened in my life!!!
Big problem though... I felt like I was suicidal.😳😱
Sooo... I changed my meds... as soon as possible!!! You still have to live a life!
You live with epilepsy... epilepsy doesn't live your life!!!
Blessings on your journey ahead.
Take Care
I've been taking both of those meds for years and the fatigue is a pain. The best I can give is to make sure he's getting those 8 hours and staying active. If he's able to take little 20-30 minute cat naps like refreshers. That might help too. All the best to you guys hang in there😁
Thanks Shelley, things have settled down now. He is still on the Keppra but hasn’t had a seizure since lamictal was added so for him I agree Lamictal seems to be the one that is working (hopefully it continues). The Neurologist says it might be both of them working together so is slow to take him off the Keppra and for now if everything is settled we are happy enough to keep going as is☺️
Yes. These meds can cause all that, but I am confident, that if I didn’t have God in my life, I don’t think I could be here or going through my day to day routine.
Judy thanks and yes it is great as I praise god for that and really believe he heel me
I Take [[treatment:lamictal:5508b7fb6bcd61548000025f]] And I Read It Can Cause Problems With Your Vision I Have Doubts Vision When I Look To The Right
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