How Do You Know You Have Had A Seizure In Your Sleep If You Don't Wake Up Or Have Any Other Signs?
I have only had nocturnal seizures and honestly if my spouse didn't tell me the next morning that I had one I would never know. Unless I happen to have one bad enough that I wet the bed. There are even times I have to ask him if I had a seizure because I might have a small bite mark on the inside of my mouth. I consider myself blessed that mine are so mild and only at night.
I would know by having my bottom lip or inner cheek chewed up, bruises on my arms from banging on night stand and my son will tell me.
I had a seizure last night and I always know because when I wake up I feel weak, washed out, have an after seizure feeling (feeling of fear - dread), which slowly dissipates during the day. Other times I know because I've also wet the bed and other times my wife can tell me.
Sometimes I’ll wake up Early out of a deep sleep. That’s the only way knowing I seizured , during my sleep hours
I've had nocturnal sezuires, sezuires in my sleep for years and I don't bite my tongue or anything that will signal a sezuire in my sleep my auras disappeared a few years ago. I do have sezuires in my sleep at night when am sleeping every night and when I take my afternoon nap and I can tell because I keep a sleep and sezuire log so I can take it with me when I visit with my neurologist and am always still sleepy because I didn't get a good or restful or enough sleep because of the sezuires and am dazed and confused I'll sometimes wake up with a small headache. Am not aware of them but occasionally if they are strong enough I can wake up in the middle of the night because I feel a weird sensation. I'll also wake up early in the morning around 3,4a.m in the morning and I won't be able to go back to bed all day or until 4 hours later.
How Do You Know?
What Do You Do To Help Aid Your Seizure Recovery?
Complex Siezers