Can Anyone Tell When They Had Granomol And How Other Than Damage I Can't.
Had them since I was 16 I'm now 50. It used to be a severe mind-numbing migraine with blurred vision. Later it's turned into slurred speech which just started in the past year.
Hi I usually get an aura before the seizure that's how I can tell I'm going to have one other than that if it's one without an aura I usually confused and find it hard to talk
I can't tell when I am going to get a seizure. It just happen and it is normally my husband that tells me that I had a seizure the moment the seizure is over.
Oh my goodness, my hubby rolls sise to side and jerks like crazy. We have found severe pain and stress brings them on. Scares the crude out of me. He always has auras, headaches and pain so they happen frequently. Prayer does wonders.
I get nothing. I just wake up to find out, so we set up RING cameras in the house and now I can just back up the video to see how bad it was.
Does Or Has Anyone Ever Felt Embarrassed About Telling Someone About Their Seizures?
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