Does Anyone Else Here Drink Alcohol And/or Take Recreational Drugs With Epilepsy?
I had my first seizure a few days ago and before that I would use weed and drink alcohol frequently and I had also taken shrooms on occasions but not very much. Since my seizure, I have been prescribed Keppra by a doctor and I have had a bit of alcohol to drink but I am holding back on binge drinking or smoking weed again for a while. I was just wondering if there was anyone out there with epilepsy who also drinks and/or smokes weed and what precautions they take.
My last seizure was because alc and lack of sleep. Definitely sucked but thats the consequence of doing those 2
I don't use any drugs or drink but I certainly did before the diagnosis!
I drink because i used to smoke and started to get paranoid and had "episodes" of either extreme paranoia or minor seizures, so im kinda scared to smoke now so i only smoke like 1 or 2 hits ONLY if im with someone i trust. When i drink i binge drink in a way but only on weekends and usually everyother weekend, and only 1 day, so either Friday or saturday and again i make sure its with someone i trust and they know how to help me if i need help, but i never really do. I sometimes only had small "withdraw" seizures the next morning as the alcohol was wearing off. The seizure were more aura like as i do not have grand mals. I have partial complex, so i have auras and "the jitters" lol and my seizures the next morning id have would maybe only last 5 seconds and id only have 2 or 3 max. But if you really want to smoke or drink, do it with someone you trust to help you if you need help, and do it in moderation, cause if you used too much....there is no going back you gotta let it wear off. I made that mistake a looong time ago my first time with weed. Didnt have someone i "trusted" they gave me too much for my first time and i was out of my mind for a day and a half basically. I was almost begging to go to the hospital all night cause i didnt know what was happening to my body....never making that mistake again. Moderation is the key to saftey and a person you trust. Never be alone.
I understand weed is good today. But not smoking. You can get a prescription in yummiest from Dr.
Alcohol effects me for sure in a negative way so I now stay away.
I Would Like To Know If Red Bull Energy Drinks Are Safe To Drink.
How Does Alcohol Affect You Personally? Is It A Trigger For Seizures For You? Do You Have A Certain Amount You Can Tolerate?