Is Leto Helpful?
I hear a lot about keto diet and how it might be helpful in treading epilepsy. I see Leto as very extreme diet with possible serious side effects. Is it really worth of trying for someone who Experience seizures roughly once a month?
Worth trying maybe, effective too but Very hard to stay in actual ketosis in my experience. Beyond 3 months I think it’s practically unrealistic long term, one wrong bite or drink. It’s that level of difference that will throw off ketosis. I think low carb low sugar in general is a good idea though.
I have been listening to Dr Ken Berry, Dr Andrew Chaffee, Dr Chris Palmer & many others saying how good the keto/carnivore diets are for all sorts of health issues. They are only finding out now that fat is good for us, not bad. Dr Gundry has a site too that pushes one type of keto diet too
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One So Called Friend Called Me Crazy After My Seizures, Soon As That Got Around Other Friends And Coworkers I Were Treating Me Differently.