Pattern To Nocturnal Seizures?
I think I have a pattern to my tonic clonic nocturnal seizures, which is one seizure every 7 to 10 days. I'm caught in this dilemna of needing to deduce a pattern to prepare for the seizure or seizures, or continue to convince myself to stay seizure free. Does that make sense? It's like the mind - literally - is that powerful.
There is no food, drink, activity, etc ... that triggers these seizures (as far as I can tell). Also, I continue to take my medications on schedule and have had… read more
At John Hopkins my doctor said try yoga? I laughed! Hadn’t done that since college. I tried that! It relaxes your body and my mind! My daughter started doing it , when she started working to curb her anxiety. My seizures mellowed out. Now moved looking for a yoga online or location near where I moved., It seems to help me!
I've noticed a pattern as well in my seizure striking days and nights. I'm always more at risk when the moon is tiny, for some odd reason. On the other hand, I just feel it's a time when the emotional part of the brains goes weak and has to release tension and stress, which goes through the seizure activity, and recovery period which keeps me so emotional for days after the cluster of seizures goes through. The other reaction as seizures begin routinely and periodically is the fact that after the 1st one strikes, I fall in need of being or getting intimate. That's what keeps me battling this hard life. The fact that no matter how hard my hardships are, or how my family treats me when I feel well, there's a period of time when I'm going to need them.
Toni3 and Rome, Thank you both so much for your responses.
Like I wrote earlier, "Any suggestions?" And now I have some to go on. Any more suggestions from any other members? I've reached a point of not wanting to go on any new medications or having any other surgeries - either one of those treatments has drawbacks. Still I don't wish to go into that category of "intractable."
Thanks again.
For years I’ve noticed that my seizures could happen in a pattern. This is actually a normal thing. In my last appointment I told my doctor she explained something
There can be a difference for me. Eh o have seizures. Men actually can have seizures in some kind of pattern. I’ve been able to predict what day I would have a seizure. (And I’d usually be write.)
Should warn you though; the pattern can change.
Understanding your triggers are helpful. I have found Mine are triggered by over stimulation throughput the week. My mind and body can only take on so much unnecessary energy waisted. Normies seem to handle random mishaps okay I start to get overwhelmed and sensitive when too much too often. When I avoid I do much better. Maybe that's why I find it better to stay away from people who don't understand me.
Has Anyone Gone From Having All Types Of Seizures To All Of A Sudden Only When You Sleep??
Ive Been Waking Up In The Morning With A Sore Tongue,could This Meen Im Having Seizures In My Sleep?
As For A Seizure Diary, How To Keep Track Of The One's You Had, How About The Ones Your Not Sure Of, How Do You Account For Them?