How Many Of Us Can Recall Things Like Being Yelled At In School For Daydreaming Way Before We Were Ever Diagnosed With Epilepsy.
And maybe if teachers were more aware then they could have helped us. Before it went undiagnosed for long periods after those times.
I think I'm possessed again I'm repossessed. Lol time to call my pastor. I'm kidding but I had my ex wife's dad a minister try to say I was possessed because I was epileptic. Lol he didn't realize though I love the Bible maybe just a bit more than he did. And I started showing his church love from it. He neglected to show them. He asked me to stop preaching to his members. Everything I said was right out of the Bible. Just because I'm epileptic doesn't mean God doesn't love me.
I was in the third grade I woke with a teacher shaking me and yelling to stop daydreaming. And too pay attention. I at that moment had no idea what she was doing to me. So the tears started flowing. It wasn't till years and years later in fact after high school. I was given a diagnosis of epilepsy. But when I looked back I now know what that poor little guy was going through.
Personally, I can recall no such incidents. However, I remember my (then) little girl coming home from school in tears because her teacher had "yelled at" her for staring out the classroom window.
(After observing my little girl just gazing off into space several times at home, my ex and I got her to my neurologist.) She was put on meds right away.
She was having petit mal/absence seizures! Her teacher saw them but didn't recognize what they were. After my ex and I spoke with the teacher and principal about the situation no more yelling. Just promises to let us know if/when it happened again.
I wish the school staff had been more educated about epilepsy.
First of all I have Complex Partial Seizures . Meaning i’m unconscious and unaware when I seizure.
In high school, iwas in Study Hall, tying to catch up on homework. I thought I was being quiet minding my own business. The teacher looked at me to quiet. I thought I was. Then a second time it happened. I vocalize something during the seizure and the teacher sternly told me that this is my last warning and to be quiet. Now I’m getting super confused. But, I continue on my work again, and moments later, the teacher signaled me to her desk .telling that , I just had my last warning, and gave me a paper slip down to the office..
I went to the office and was given a note to my parent mentioning that I have Detention, the date and time .
It took me many years, even after I finished high school to figure out what happened. I was talking to my cousin, who knows about my Epilepsy and knows my seizures, had mentioned, that I probably had a few vocal seizure.and didn’t realize it. Then it all made sense . I had 3 vocal seizures and the teacher thought I was goofing off or something and because I wasn’t listening,, I got sent to the office and then I was given Detention.
i was a kind with undiengoed auras. teachers dismiss me with add/adhd. almost had a add/adhd test when my 1st grand mal happened. so watch out for misdignoed and undienoed.
Did Epilepsy (for Those Of You Who Were Diagnosed Young) Hamper Your Chances To Graduate High School? Or To Go On To College?
I Used To Stare And My Face Would Go Blank. Was That An Aura, I Never Thought I Had Them.
Does This Make Anyone Feel Better About Being Open About Your Epilepsy?