Does anyone manufacture a watch to alert to seizures, heart problems, etc.
I only have two skinny wrists, so I don't have a lot of room for multiple watches.😁
Toni, It is a great solution if you have a husband or someone close enough to evaluate your condition and know what you want them to do. Regarding your prior question Peggy. Of course, you cannot call someone when you're out. The problem I would have with automatically calling 911 is unless I am seriously injured, I would much rather be at home. I don't have the strength after a seizure to get up off the floor and reach for my phone. I assess my medical condition and call a friend to talk with me. They know I just want company until my memory starts recording again. I am lucid but still not storing the moments, it typically takes 90 minutes to 2 hours to start remembering how long has passed. There is nothing the paramedics and hospital can do for you. 911 will take several minutes to arrive. If every time I had a device that called 911 it would not benefit me. I have never been seriously injured at home the pic I posted is the worst it has been in the 20+ series. In CA after your first diagnosed seizure you lose your license for 1 year and to get it back you see a neurologist regularly. They write a report stating (if true) that you will likely not seizure again. It is more common for people to have only 1 seizure and never another than to have more. The definition of epilepsy is more than one. In my case, they missed the 1st one on the motorcycle as they did not suspect a seizure. After your 1st diagnosed seizure if you have another anywhere the hospital or doctor is required to report it to the DMV and you will never get a license. Most but not all states share the database. I live now live abroad. If I can stabilize for over a year I would consider getting a license. Countries do not share medical information. Seizuring while driving should have killed me twice. I am also aware that it puts other lives in danger. Everyone is different. There are things I notice. Sometimes, but not always, prior to a seizure I am extremely nauseous and have headaches. I don't have other warning signs. Many times I have no sign. Tip: Living on a carpeted floor with no sharp edges where you spend most of your time.
I have an Apple Watch. It works w/ blood pressure and there is a program for seizures. It sends emergency people or ambulance
My phone doesn't automatically call 911. It sent a picture to certain contacts. When I had a heart attack & my daughter called 911 from Michigan I tried to convince EMTs all I needed was a nap. (Of course they wouldn't let me do that.) I dislike hospitals intensely. BTW I live alone.
I rent, so installing carpeting isn't something I can do. (Landlord removed original carpet, so I'm certain carpet isn't an option.) Area rugs can be a fall risk, easily tripped on.
As for driving, I won't. I have no warning signs prior to a seizure, never have. I'm fine one minute and out the next. (In the state of PA you can get another DL if you're seizure free for 6 months.) I haven't had a seizure in over a year.
My phone does the trick! My phone is on me. When I fall it calls my husband. I lose my balance! It calls!
I have a lighted watch on 24 x7. When I become aware I am on the floor, I don't want an ambulance. In a perfect world, someone would come to check on me. I don't have that. My cell is on me 24 x 7. There are 6 people globally that will take my call. I don't want to be alone while I collect my thoughts and wait for the strength to crawl to bed. I have had over 20 seizures at home alone. The worst injury was bleeding from a forehead injury and bleeding about a cup of blood. The photo was after I could stand, about 2 hours after the seizure, and disinfected with isopropyl alcohol.
Embrace Or Epilert Watch? I Wanted To Know If One Is Better Than The Other. If Any Would Work For Secondary Generalized Seizures.
Epilepsy Watches
Does Anyone Know About Epilepsy Watches What Monitor Epilepsy Or Assist With Detection Of A Seizure ?