Have You Ever?
I'm just wondering has anyone had a seizure during a doctor's appointment?
I'm asking this question as I've heard a youtube neurologist say it's very rare for a seizure to happen at a doctor's office.
But aren't seizures unpredictable and can happen anywhere so I'm confused about this statement.
Initially no where when the sz were not common in my life! I have had them everywhere! Airport, school, dr’s office, crossing a street! Everywhere! I have been blessed with no serious injuries accept broken bones!
That is not the way a Dr. should respond. Especially a psychiatrist, that is the kind of Dr. people go to talk to when they are depressed. A neurologist is the kind of Dr. people go to help people with epilepsy to try a stop their seizures by giving them medication and tests. When You experience what You believe is a seizure go to someone and let them watch You until that feeling/seizure is gone. Another person may notice something that You don’t know is happening if You think/believe A seizure is happening. The sooner epilepsy is detected the more time You have to end it.
YES! For the first 10 years, from 1980 to 1990, 1/2 the time that i'd go to my GP 's Office, I'd have a Seizure. I always found that Very Weird.....
I never have seizures when I am at a Dr.s appointment. I don’t like eeg’s at all, they never seem to work for me. I had one that lasted 24 hours then one a week long. I had seizures during the week long eeg, but no record of a seizure appeared on the machine attached to me. The depth electrodes test worked! Electrodes inside my brain found out where seizures were coming from and I learned it is not possible for me to have surgery again. I have the VNS implanted right now and try to avoid every possible trigger that will cause a seizure. I need to find some new friends, and a new place to live soon.
It’s been a while. But yes, I have seizured at my Doctor’s office.more than one time.
If he/$he is a Neurologist, then yes, it probably is rare Neurologists deal with more than just Epilepsy. From people with disorders to syndromes and ect.
An Epileptologist on the other hand specializes in people with Epilepsy and other conditions related to Epilepsy. They probably have witnessed a good amount of patients who have visited the office and had a seizure.
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