Should I Seek An Epileptotoligst?
I have consistently had a neurologist since as far as forever...I see my current every 3 months or so. Would seeking an epileptologist be more beneficial than just a neurologist?
It took seeing an epileptologist to get on the right path to control mine. An epilepsy specialist would be more attuned to current clinical scientific developments, new treatments and other options available for your type of seizures. General neurologists have been trained in a whole range of different conditions, and as a rule lack the specific expertise in epilepsy that specialists have.
Epileptologists understand the complexity of Epilepsy. When a Neurologist knows the basics
An Epileptologist, may see more than one path, to help improve you Epilepsy. Maybe explain about other treatments, besides medications. May not make you seizure free. But could possibly change seizure frequency ( Sever, moderate and mild seizures ) less sever, or reducing the amount of seizures you have.. but then again you could be one of the few, that may become seizure free.
Sometimes neurologists may specialise in Epilepsy and Conditions that are related to epilepsy. So the treatment will be just as good. This is how my Neurologist works. I still have the option to go to an Epilepsy clinic but this would only happen if my current treatment stops working.
I say yes and that's because it's like seeing a family physician or a specialist. I saw a neurologist for about five years and I couldn't see any progress. Then I started going to St. Louis to an epileptologist and saw a big difference. This guy even did four tests on me that I never knew existed before we even talked.
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