Catamenial Epilepsy
Can hormones irritate seizures or cause seizures? Menopause effect:
When I was pregnant, I had less seizures? During pregnancy the 3 hormones vary. Estrogene excites seizures, progesterone prohibits seizures and testosterone has no reaction on seizures. Therefore, could natural progesterone be used to control seizures.
Oh yes yes yes they can catamenial epilepsy is the worst thing ever I can’t even explain how much pain I’ve been going through in 13 years of being diagnosed. This is what I know…
cells. Estrogen is an "excitatory" hormone, which means that it makes brain cells give off more of an electrical discharge. Progesterone, on the other hand, is an "inhibitory" hormone, which means that it calms those cells down.
When the body is making more estrogen than progesterone, it can make the nervous system "excitable." In other words, you could be at greater risk for seizures. The hormones aren't actually causing the seizures, but they can influence when they happen.
Some women with epilepsy have more seizures when their hormones are changing. For example, some young women have their first seizures at puberty. Other women have more seizures around the time of their menstrual periods. This doesn't happen to all women, so doctors are still learning about how hormones and epilepsy interact.
I have them during my ovulation and just before my period even if I use birth control what would be my period week I still get seizures. I’ve been seizure free over 6 months now I cut down on caffeine and I drink lots of chamomile tea.
Chamomile is known to help with hormonal imbalances and provide support and comfort when most needed.
I also suffer from PMDD 😢
I think it makes sense that this would happen at ovulation. There is a definite hormonal change then. Since everyone is different, I can imagine that some would get it then or at menstruation. I don't know for sure, so you might as well Google it. Won't hurt. Mine seems to be very different. I'm at late perimenopause. Between that and all the meds, I have zero sex drive. I started taking estrogen to increase the drive, and I've had no seizures because of it. Then again, I have seizures every spring and I don't think hormone levels change then!
Yes, with the change in hormone concentration at ovulation mid-month, and just before my period I’d have a uptick in seizure frequency. Then the estrogen drop in menopause messed with my underlying activity again, although I didn’t have a seizure until two weeks ago, and that was blood salt-ratio related. But, yes, menopause messes with abnormal neurological activity.
I've never had a reaction during my cycles, probably because mine were caused from tumors, so I can't speak on that. However, after my last 2 surgeries, which included having almost a whole lobectomy, minewere well under control so I went back to school for NeuroDiagnostics & 1 thing we learned in Neuroanatomy is that 1 reason women are more prone to strokes than men is because as we age, many women take supplements such as collagen or biotin for hair loss, wrinkles, etc but our bodies produce it naturally so if we take it without a Dr saying ours is low, it can affect the blood flow to our brain & for people with epilepsy, it can affect us more if we have a stroke & already have epilepsy
I have Catamenial epilepsy which is hormone related epilepsy. I also suffered endometriosis And Polycystic ovarian syndrome and this is responsible for me having much higher levels in male hormones. When I was pregnant and breastfeeding I had absolutely no epilepsy but giving birth I was having a seizure whilst giving birth so yes hormones control my epilepsy 100% . Make a note of this on your calendar every month and take down all different things that happen whilst menstruating.
When I would use Depo provera , and birth control pills this would help , however every female with catamenial is different
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This Question Pertains To Women. Have Any Of You Been Diagnosed With Catamenial Epilepsy?
Anyone Have Any Insight Here On Catamenial Epilepsy?