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Eegs And Seizure Activity Without Seizures

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Houston, TX

was just wondering how many of you out there have eeg's like me. Mine show lots seizure activity within my brain without actually having a seizure. It's hard to explain but you look at it and the thing is pretty wild and they say no you aren't having a seizure.I said no I know I didn't have one. But look at all that seizure activity!!! Personally I think my poor brain will short circuit if this continues. It's been like this for about 17 years now and I wonder if that's why I'm always tired. So… read more

October 25, 2023
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , My seizures aren’t as frequent or severe as some peoples, however, I don’t have auras & so I don’t always know I’ve had a seizure. I’m 45 & have had seizures since the 2nd grade. In November 2019, when I began seeing my current Neurologist, she had me do a 5 day video EEG & they said that though I didn’t have any seizures during that time, that when I slept the EEG showed mostly Focalized seizure activity but some Generalized seizure activity. Most but not all of my seizures occur in my sleep. Good luck. Your friend in Texas, Becky

October 25, 2023 (edited)
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

This is basically what they call silent seizures (not the actual name) It basically means that while you physically feel fine there is still seizure activity that goes on in the background but you won't know about it unless a eeg is done. Not the same as Status Epilepticus. I have the same thing. I can have a short eeg feel fine and always register activity.

October 25, 2023
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member that's exactly how I am I even went thru a 5 day where the Neurologist was talking about my brain activity but I never noticed a thing. She said watching it she was sure I would have a seizure at times but than it would settle down a bit before going very active again. The one time I had a bad seizure in a veeg I never noticed a thing and I woke up in bed. Last thing I remember is someone had just brought dinner in. Of course the doctor had to show me the video and I really wish he hadn't. It's ethed in my brain.

October 25, 2023
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member most of mine are when I go to sleep too same thing grand mal. My husband has me in the middle of our king bed since I had a habit of sleeping on my side close to the edge. Not agood place when you have seizures. I've fallen out of bed 2x once just landed on the floor and another time got stuck with my shoulder between the nightstand and the bed. It took 2 months for that bruise to go away on the front of my shoulder right around the collar bone. I was in the hospital after that one. They were expecting broken bones. Also had a huge bruise on my chin and under my eye . My daughter suggested I get a horse shoe pillow from Amazon like she used when she was pregnant with the twins. I got one and it keeps me in the bed. Though I do sleep at the part that is in the middle of the bed. Great invention though for night seizures too!

October 28, 2023
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I have had 2 brain surgeries. I have sharp slow waves in a group at a time. He said it was my key signature. He said I would have muscle artifact! During the sz..We can have spike or slow waves or sharp wvs giving a signature in the EEG.. Some people wil show abn. During a sz pts will show an abn. Plus muscle, Only!

October 27, 2023 (edited)

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