Seizure Type??
This has never happened to me before. We came home today, and there were boxes of things on our porch from Walmart. My boyfriend and I kept accusing each other of ordering the things that we really did not need, like a folding chair 🫤. I looked on my app, and it turns out that I ordered them. It was the day that I had to skip work because I was having Focal Seizures, too. I've never done anything strange or something that I don't remember during seizures though (besides a tonic clonic) have you… read more
I have not done that, but who knows what the future holds. I have tonic clonic seizures.
That's really strange. So you obviously knew what you were doing during it (kinda). There just wasn't a reason for it.
I've had this happen to me many times the worst thing is once I ended up an hour away from my house I was in a park having sezuires was found by a police officer I have no clue how I was able to safely make it to the park but it's extremely dangerous because I could have caused harm to someone.
i have grand mal seizures.
I'm happy to hear that you have a caring partner around you always
Can People Have 2 Types Of Seizures?
Can I Have Different Types?
Are There Only 2 Types Of Seizures With Auras?