Stanje Po Operaciji
Kako dolgo ste okrevali po operaciji in ali ste imeli kakšno rehabilitacijo?
The translation of Zdenka's question is: How long did you recover from the surgery and did you have any rehabilitation? (I used Google translator) I have no idea which surgery she is asking about.
My sister, Celeste, just showed me how to get to Google translator -- she has used it before in her work for an international company. However, she didn't stick around down here long enough to show me how to post a question in response. I know that those of you who are accessing this site via an application on your cellphones can do the translations easier.
I found this out from an opponent and then friend from Belarus. I had no idea that she was playing the Scrabble Go online game to practice her English -- she was one of my best opponents because she understood the rules of Scrabble much better than many of my opponents whose native language is a dialect of English. Last I heard, Emma was in London in order for her son to get treatment that he could not receive in Belarus (the poorest nation in the European Union). She didn't have a charger with her, so she had to drop out of playing that game and an online trivia game she was playing (also to practice her English. She was worried about Russia trying to re-conquer Belarus (formerly part of the Soviet Union) after Russia attacked Ukraine.
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