My Partner Has L/S Frontotemporal Focal Epilepsy & Essential Tremor - He Has Developed Neurological Symptoms Affecting His Tongue & R/arm -.
In the last 6-8 weeks he has developed neurological symptoms related to tremor. His tongue is moving back & forwards & his mouth is trembling. He has a tremor in his right hand also. Has anyone experienced unusual neurological symptoms & if so what was determined to be the cause? What tests had you to determine cause? Had you these symptoms in the past & they resolved? Any information relating to these symptoms would be gratefully received... thank you
He has a number of other… read more
Genrally you would have a dignosis then after that you can end up with some after efect down the track. It almost looks like things have gone the other way in this case. So they have picked up all the side effects but still have'nt quit figured out whats going on.
Keppra helps my seizures and I take magnesium before bed because busy days and nocturnal seizures. My left arm for awhile I had to get used to because I thought at first I was having a strike but in the long run my nerves are damaged and lost movement in my thumb and index gmfinger. It also locks up and will unlock and kind of jerk back and then have regular use. I did physical therapy was helpful to develop muscles but when I flex my arm just twitches.
Nerve damage?
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