Has Anyone Seem To Still Have Hormones Affecting Their Seizures Even After Menopause?
I have seizures going into sleep and having tracked my cycle, my seizures are on peak day of ovulation. Iām not on birth control but considering it to see if it gives me more control over my epilepsy.
Sort of. My last seizure was at age 5 and I stopped AEDs at age 21. When I tried oral birth control, I had an aura. This also occurred after eating too much edamame and taking primrose oil. Then, after about 50 years without a seizure and about 35 years off AEDs, I had what is more like a transient global amnesia, TGA (fully functioning, even driving a car, but no memory). But after 3 episodes, because of my history, I saw a neurologist, who decided I was having seizures. The reason I am responding to this question is because post-menopausal and post-hysterectomy, I was put on estradiol to prevent UTIs. After the 3rd episode, I stopped the estradiol and the episodes stopped. By then, I had an abnormal EEG, had lost my license, and was rediagnosed.
It would be really hard to say without you having an eyewitness. TGAs normally last many hours. My shortest one lasted about 6 hours. To accurately diagnose it, they like you to have a witness because you ask/say the same thing over and over because you lose the ability to make new memories. TGAs are really weird and not well understood. After the second one, I was trying to figure out if I had had one I was looking calendar and had, in fact, documented that I had a TGA! Even the neuro thought this was weird!
I have to ask about that T.G.A. comment above......Something happened to be almost 2 years ago and I've been trying to figure what went on:
I was driving along when I suddenly felt kind of.....shall I say weightless & light headed. This wasn't anything like the auras I had all my life, so I made no connection. Next thing I knew, I was at least 1/2 mile further down the road in a local restaurant parking lot looking directly at 1 of their light posts with, what I didn't realize at the moment, was the airbag deployed! I've always been told that when you have a seizure, there is no conscious behavior, and I logically took that to mean that there's NO way you could do something like drive a car -especially THAT far, around a curve- without hitting something, or going off the road. Even more strange, I apparently turned RIGHT WHERE THE DRIVEWAY WAS because here were no tire imprints on the grass or curb! The thing is, to this day have absolutely no memory or that approx. 1/2 or 3/4 mile distance or hitting anything. I remember where I was when this new feeling started, and then like the flip of a switch, looking at the airbag with E.M.S. & Law Enforcement knocking on the window.....but NOTHING in between. It never made sense to me that if I did have a seizure there, how in the world could I have driven that far without hitting something and driving around a curve and knowing right where to turn (but then not apparently have the ability to hit the brake before hitting the light pole)? Can this T.G.A. thing you mention finally provide an answer?
My seizures were under control. I was driving and had a good job. Then menopause started and seizures did too. This has been 5 years and my neurologist is still trying to get them under control again.
Has Anyone Gotten Your Seizures Under Control Getting Your Hormones Checked?
Catamenial Epilepsy
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