Does Anyone Make Growling Sounds During A Seizure?
I’ve been told that during some of my seizures I act like I’m possessed. I growl, make weird words, and sometimes attack people.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member What a c***. I can't believe someone would treat you like that. Just leave ya there. Like yer less than human. I don't know what else to say. That's rotten.
Thank you. I actually had a “ friend “ leave me on a walk a couple of weeks ago when I had a seizure. I woke up on the ground. My puppy “s leash was off, I had only one shoe one, my phone was about 5 feet from me and I was dazed and confused and alone. She had left me a message on my phone telling me she had prayed over me but had to leave because I was possessed.
I make different Vocal sounds during a seizure.
I’ve made Airplane sounds and many other sound effects. I’ve also have yelled out a couple of word’s during the seizure . Then I have times where I don’t vocalize.
Ya "in my sleep i punched him three times" hahahaha. Youtube was fun in the beginning.
So yes, the answer is yes. Tried to beat up my boyfriend. I hear he's dead now but i didn't do it.
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