What Provides You The Most Happiness?
1. Only making others happy enough to smile or laugh and thus take their minds off of their worries, but not allowing anyone to do the same for you. Or telling a friend that you are always willing to listen or even for them to vent to you, but never allowing them to offer the same for you (or even apologizing any time you vent to them --mind you on a site like this if you (like me) can't remember how to send a private message or provide private contact information to an individual then the… read more
Being with my son makes me the happiest. After that I would say, having a good time at comedy improv class and getting to see new places with friends or family makes me happy.
When I get to talk to the people who asked me about my surgery. There were about 15 people who went ahead and had the surgery and only two didn't see improvement. Two saw better control and the rest have been seizure-free.
It helps when I see how much I'm in control of anger issues and how I've become the center of communication between myself and two brothers.
Going out walking, go out I hate to stay home bored.
Friends and family support.
Doing things I like makes me happy. Playing games/sports, acting, listening to music, watching tv/movies
Does Anyone Use A Patient Advocate?
To Myself....
Anyone Have Seizures Due To Extreme Happiness?