Anyone With Right Temporal Lobectomy
In January I am scheduled to have a temporal lobectomy on my right hand side I was wondering who all has had this procedure done before and how it went
I hate to tell you that because yours is scheduled. I went to a great hospital. Apparently, he was the best neurosurgeon in the area, but all I have are scars and screwed up eyesight. Then I was in the hospital for a month afterward. I had no worries beforehand. I'm just being honest. It's worked for many others though. ❤️
I was really surprised, you know ‘brain surgery’ is always thought of as such a daring thing. But I was out of the hospital in four days and recovering at home only until I had healed enough to have the staples removed. Which was only a few weeks. 🤕 Twenty years later, I’m sure they’ve made some improvements to the surgery. Maybe fewer staples (I had 69).
One weird thing that I’ve forgotten to tell anyone, when I had my first brain freeze from eating ice cream, I was completely confused. It felt very different! My wife and I decided that this was due to nerves being cut-but there’s no scientific confirmation for that.
I had it in 2002, so much has changed since then. I was 32 at the time. I had great success as far as complex partial seizures go. I still take Tegretol and recently had my first tonic-clonic in 20 years, but I drove from 2002 - 2019 and that was wonderful! I had my surgery in January, so that’s a good month for it. Best of Luck!!
Thank you! Also if it makes you feel any better my neuro said the exact same thing. I had an eeg in 2016 and 1 seizure was on the left side so they shut operation down. Only in September did they catch all coming from the right side and agree to surgery
I've been to 3 brain surgeons and the front left side can't be operated on as they say that there is a 75% chance of the surgery killing me or leaving me brain dead the rest of my life. There's still a chance of operating one day. Good luck..
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