Has Anyone Successfully Got Disability For Their Epilepsy Been Having Seizures For 12 Yrs Now And Medication Isn’t Working Still Having Alot
They have only figure out temporal lobes epilepsy it’s coming mainly from my left side and they are generalized tonic clonic seizures.
Hang in there and try and stay pos
Trying now. Pray for me everyone please
Oh ok I started having seizures at 16 and I’m 28 and still having them now and it’s hard for me to keep a job with the tonic clonic seizures unfortunately
It took me about 1 1/2 years until I was awarded Social Security Disability. I had worked 20 years before I was first diagnosed. I won't say it's an easy process but my doctors recommended I not try to hold a job. Giving up my job was about the hardest thing I ever had to do
Keep good records of dates of seizures, call your doctor when you have one and ask them to document it in your file, keep up on neurology appts and get their records, primary doc and hospital records, med changes, any psychological or vocational rehab notes and records too. See if you can be trained to do any other kind of job because Disability will say you can at first usually, so if you have all that done, you can move forward quickly. From our appeal to hearing date has only been 6 months, but it was almost a year before they moved on it at first. We called and asked status, "pending", then denial-but your inquiry gets them moving usually.
So Is Epilepsy A Disability Or Not?
Work ?
How Has Epilepsy Affected Your Work?