I Want To Share This Image As Widely As Possible. There Is A Orphan Disease Site. I Also Shared This With My Doctors. Do You Have Ideas?
I viewed what you posted. People have no idea how this condition drastically reduces the quality of one's life. As you stated, doctors need to know each potential affect. Thanks for posting
Marilee, Please share it. I found a web site about rare diseases. I shared it with my Doctors. Somehow if we could all get this to our Doctors, it would help.
This looks like a pretty complete source of information. I like the organization by topic which makes it easier to use. Thanks for posting it Leslie!
My Oldest Cousin Who is 6 years older than Me, didn’t know I had Epilepsy until I traveled to NY visit Brother and Him. During conversations I mentioned that Epilepsy since age 13. He had no idea that I have it. It was 2017
Thank you Lesliel I appreciate this and plan on sharing it.
I Would Like To Be Able To Send This As A Tweet, And Make People More Available To The Public. How Can That Be Done?
Would You Offer Your Story Shared To A Collective Story To Help Others Less Fortunate With Your Chronic Conditions As I Am?