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Is Pot Bad For Epilepsy

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Eatonville, WA
December 23, 2023
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

My neurologist told me it depends on the person - it can help one and make another worst.

December 25, 2023
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

THC (the active ingredient in Pot) and CBD are two different things. CBD will not get you "high" and is what you will get when you get the oils. It can relax you and help you sleep.

December 24, 2023
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

My daughter was prescribed for hers. It seem to help keep her at bay.

December 23, 2023
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

From personal experience(and beliefs) i just don't like smoking period. Did I smoke? Yes. Do I still smoke? On very rare occasions sadly. But every person is different and react to the differently. I reacted differently in a horrible way, even to edibles. It basically put me in a psychosis state. I did alot of research on Marijuana over the past few years and if you have schizophrenia that runs in your family genes your highly likely to be prone to psychosis episodes. Like I had. I'm not diagnosed with schizophrenia, but it runs in my family. The type of seizures you have may also play a roll in how you react. My heart rate speed up into the upper 160+ sometimes and Marijuana increases your heart rate. So it just depends on the individual, some people say it helps, some it don't. ME I'm kinda terrified to smoke in large amounts or at all haha. I usually stick to alcohol if I want the "high" fun feelings in my head. Yeah I may or may not suffer from short lived withdraw seizures the next morning, but I rather deal with that than a psychosis episode that lasts all night long(4 or 5 hours how ever long it takes to metabolize the thc out of the body)

I just always make sure I have someone with me when I want to drink, or blue moon smoke. If you are new to Marijuana products TRY. THEM. SLOW. AND. AT. LOW. DOSAGES. My first edible was a 52mg a friend game me. I regret that. Even when they turned the lights on, I couldnt see. I thought I was talking, but it was just bad hallucination chatting with my internal monolog(I think that's the word for your inner voice) and that lasted for almost 2 days. I dont remember much about that night. You will thinks it's not working till its too late, and you can't do nothing but ride out the high.

I've tried cbd oil but it didn't really do anything for me. So just be cautious. If your body feels off then you know its probably not going to work. Just know side affects, strains etc. Do the research on it. And try it in an area you feel comfortable like at home, not some dark alleyway lol

December 23, 2023
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I think that would be ok with some people and their doc, I am ok with my meds, my opinion

December 25, 2023

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