I Have Pretty Severe Cptsd And When I Woke Up From My Long Seizure I Was Yelling Please Help Me.is This Normal?
I think it's different per person, I have my condition, but I found out that I sometimes make noise from my speech or mouth, and didn't know, now and then, my opinion.
Seizures are like dreams. They happen and you can't control what's going to happen during them.
Bernadette, when I have a siezure I am unconscious. When I have mini siezures I am awake but unaware of what I'm doing. It's different with everyone. Clicallay I'm not sure of the termi terminology.
Seizures And Sleep
A Question, I Have Pretty Severe PTSD And I Am Wondering How This Will Affect My Seizures Or How I Wake Up Afterwards.
Does People Have Seizures In Their Sleep?