Have You Ever Been Told You Have A Prolonged QT On An EKG? Did They Say It Could Be The Cause Of Your Seizures?
I recently found out I have borderline prolonged QT syndrome from my allergist before he put me on a new pill and after googling it I found out it can cause seizures. I am still yet to talk to my neurologist about this but don't want to sound dumb if I didn't understand Google right. Have you ever been told you have a prolonged/borderline prolonged QT after having an EKG? did they say it's possible it could be the cause of your seizures?
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I was always known to have more seizures while playing sports growing up. I never got dizzy or even knew before or after I had a seizure. I got right back to playing.
Yeah I know for me, if I exercise too hard I have a seizure sometimes. my heart rate gets really fast real quick causing a lack of oxygen and I usually get either really dizzy or have a seizure from the tachycardia and I read this can cause another form of tachycardia but it's a more dangerous one so I thought maybe this all was related. I know the pattern for ekgs and how to read them but I've never gotten to read my own to know that. I know heart problems run in my family but I never heard of anyone else in my family having this just heart failure but I don't know how many of them were actually checked for it
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member Oh, ok. I have to get a EKG or what they call an ECG in Australia (same thing just a different name. Whenever I have a TC. Mainly due to the heart rate raise and some strange activity that the paramedics always pick up.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
For a while a had to have an EKG and MRI every year. Now that it’s been over 30 years since my heart surgery I just have to have the tests every 3 or 4 years.They do still say I have a murmur and a valve leak
It sounds like your doctors need to communicate. Both need to know what you're taking and discuss any medical issues you have. It shouldn't be you telling the diagnosis.
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