Has Anyone Needed Shoulder Surgery Because Of Damage From Seizures?
both shoulders are completely damaged from seizures, and need surgery. But anesthesia also causes seizures.
I'm living on the same page. Wake up in the hospital enough times for 4-day stay you stop liking hospitals a lot.
Will the surgery give him full use of his arms? If he siezes up won't the joints be stronger to take all the pulling of the muscles? I don't know. But if I was 23 again I'd be all for it . I'm in my late 50s now 30 + years is along time to live with pain. I'm sure he's got alot of things he wants to get off his bucket list. But who am I to say, I don't know the severity of his Epilepsy. Wish you guys good luck 👍
He is 23, and he can barely raise his arms, because they dislocate with excruciating pain. We just worry about seizures after the surgery and if they would distroy what the surgery fixed.
IF THE SURGERY IS SUCESSFUL then great! Does he risk going into a coma? Or would it be our 5 min. Special? He would be happier in the long run I think especially if he's a young man. Does he know the risk? Can he make his own judgment? I would do it because Epilepsy is a long-term illness. And the use of his arms without pain is so needed to a young man. There must be some other way to sedate him?
People say when I sieze, I tense up and that's why I'm sore for about a week after. That's a scary thought I really never thought much of what Siezures could do physically!
My Son Needs Shoulder Replacement For Both Of His Shoulders, Due To The Damage His Seizures Have Caused. What If He Has More Seizures
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