What’s The Best Way To Judge The Damage?
At 55 I have more breakthrough partial and complex partial but a gm every 3 or more years…
The best way to judge the damage caused by seizure/migraine is to go and see a seizure specialist neurologist. Have him prescribe an MRI and define the results for you.
I had NO IDEA that my seizures and migraines were causing me damage until I found a seizure specialist neurologist 2.5 years ago. I found out that I have 14 flairs (lesions) in the white matter of my brain, now diagnosed as White Matter Brain disease. I also had no idea I was having over 60 seizures every time I fell asleep until I saw this neurologist. He had a tech come over to my house and set up multiple cameras in 2 rooms that watched me sleep and rest, hooked me up to them and a computer. I'm on a ton of medication and none of it was stopping all my seizures. But because of him, I was able to have a life-changing operation, that, despite the inconveniences, I would do again in a minute. I may even be able to come off the meds eventually. I have high hopes. My brain will never recover the injuries, but at least I will not receive new ones.
What are you asking, be more specific, good question, but need more details , If your taking about seizures then that is your call, I after 51 and half yrs of having them, have a good idea of what has happened to me, sometimes if it's out of the norm, I'll have it looked at more closely, my opinion,
That’s an interesting story and very positive for you, especially after so many seizures . I’m impressed that you had cameras set up at home by the doctor Good luck! I’m in the UK and it’s not so benevolent! Could you please explain white matter, how was it hiding the lesions! I ask particularly as at a recent scan discussion with the consultant he showed me a significant area of my brain that was scar tissue, showing up on scan as a white area. I’ve had 3 brain operations to remove blood clots from same site, hence epilepsy now. Thank you in advance if you can respond.
Paranoia After Seizure
Does Anyone Know Of An Employer That Would Hire Someone With Epilepsy I'm Really Trying To Get On My Feet