How Often Does The Type Of Seizures You Have Change Throughout Your Epilepsy Journey?
It hasn't even been 2 years yet and I've had grand mal, then nocturnal, now absence. Getting tested for autoimmune and now doctor wants to test me for MS too.
I always had grand mal and absence seizures too. Worsened after the Menopause and stress is my major trigger….
Now, when I am ill, for instance, twice with Norovirus, I’ve had Psycotic episodes. I’d rather not have those…..
I have experienced mostly every type of seizure. Now they are just scaring me more. I don’t lose awareness but I have numbness on my right side. This are also signs of a stroke. But I have absence and my gmals are at night.
I think they are changing due to menopause and more scar tissue in my brain.
Luckily I have only had tonic-clonic seizures, but I know that could change at the drop of a hat.
I have had Grand Mal, nocturnal, petit mal, tonic clonic, generalized and focal/complex-partial.
Everyone’s journey with Epilepsy is different.
With myself not much changed , starting from age 2. Everything stayed the same, through the age of 10 . I was my seizures were still the same ,but my seizures patterns may change when trying a different medication. Sometimes there were a few medications that just didn’t work well at all and my Seizures got worse.
By Sept of 1998, I had the Left Temporal Lobe brain surgery. It helped decrease my seizure frequency from sever to mild and moderate seizures. But , it didn’t reduce the amount of seizures.
Tried the VNS it didn’t do much . I was still having the same amount of seizures.
But by August of 2022, I got The DBS put in . It has help reduce my seizures down Al lot. So I still have seizures. It seams to have reduced my moderate Seizures too . I still have them but not as much. They are mostly mild.
That’s my experience through my seizures and Epilepsy
Regarding Epilepsy
Who Is Eligible For VNS?
Has Your Type Of Epilepsy Changed Over The Years?