Do You Think That They Should Do Away With Daylight Savings Time, And If So How Would It Effect You If They Did?
Just curious
Every time that we have daylight savings time I have a hard time getting to sleep. I also wake up several times in the night. Daylight savings time is hard for me because I feel tired all day long. Once I get used to it we have to change the time again.
It doesn’t bother me. Although there are a few states that don’t do Daylight Savings Time
Daylight savings time has a plus for parents of children. .Season of FALL for example , is a good thing to bring time back one hour . It gives the illusion that bedtime is coming close , to get the kids ready for bed , on school days.
I just adapt when it does, my opinion
It doesn't bother me, I just plan ahead by going to bed an hour earlier in the spring time change.
As for clocks and cellphones, cellphones will automatically do the time change. I use my cellphone as an alarm clock, so when there's a time change it's not an issue.
University Of NM
Has Anyone Noticed A Change In The Frequency That Your Seizures Occur When Taking B12 Or D?
With The Daylight Savings Time Coming Up, What Are Your Thoughts On It And Does It Effect Your Condition And The Meds You Are Taking?