I Remember Saying One Thing- But Others Say I Said Something Different. Any Ideas For Handling The Emotions- Crush, Defeat, & Defense?
Diagnosed with temporal focal seizures last year and I thought that the meds were helping- and found out that family and friends have just not mentioned it because they think that I am fragile, and don’t want a confrontation with me Incase I get defensive.
Hi! Thanks for the contact so quickly.
I am on citopram and tripeltal.
I cannot talk lamictal it caused migraines.
Hi @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , You’ll find this site isn’t very active this late at night. It looks like you’re on the Citalopram maybe for depression cause Google says that’s what it’s for. I took Trileptal for 15 years or so & never had any trouble with it except that one time I got dizzy & began crying for no reason at all. My doctor believed it was my Trileptal & adjusted my dosage & I never had any other issues with the crying problem. In November 2019 when I began seeing my current Neurologist, she did a 5 day in hospital video EEG & then took me off my Trileptal & put me on Vimpat cause she said long term use of Trileptal could harm the liver. So you might still be dealing with the depression & your family doesn’t want to make you anymore angry, like you said. Try to find little things that make you happy or that you enjoy doing. I enjoy coloring & finished up a picture tonight. I especially enjoy my spiritual coloring books that have Bible verses on them that I get at Walmart. Once in a blue moon I’ll read a book. Usually that will be an autobiography or like my last one was by religious speaker Joyce Meyer & her book is called “The Answer to Anxiety”. I read a chapter or 2 before bed each night & it was interesting. You might keep a journal of something, or a journal just so you won’t forget something. If you don’t feel like your medication is helping then you could mention it to your doctor. Feel free to check out my page. Again, Welcome! Your friend in Texas, Becky
Hi @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , Welcome to the site! May I ask, are you on Keppra? Keppra is a seizure medication that is known to cause mood swings, anger issues, make people not act like themselves, all known as the Keppra Rage. Keppra is also known to cause excessive drowsiness & sometimes known to cause trouble sleeping. If you are on Keppra and don’t like the side effects of it, feel free to talk to your doctor or their Nurse about it. In 2019 I was on Keppra for 2 months & it made me so tired that I had to take a nap every day & eventually I started having trouble sleeping & so I got off it. If you’re on a different medication than Keppra, then look up the side effects for that medication. Again, Welcome! Your friend in Texas, Becky
Do You Find Seizures Are Linked To Your Emotions?
Does Anyone Ever Cry After Seizures?
I've Been Told By My Friend And Past Care Assistant I'm To Emotional. Do Other Guys Get This? Or Anyone Else For That Matter?