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I'm Am Curious How Many Of You Know When A Seizure Is Coming? I Have No Idea And I End Up On The Floor.I Used To Have

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭

I used to have 1 seizure about every 3 months. now this past year I have been fighting I think 8 passing out and many absence seizures. My last one I had about two weeks we actually caught on security cameras in the wood shop. I stiffened up then fell over a machine while it was running. That was my last day of work I must add. I had no warning just like any of the othe ones I have had. I have tried and tried to keep track of how I was doing each day. How much sleep, food, medication. trying to… read more

posted April 1
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I generally don’t have auras (feelings) prior to my seizures. Although while having an extended EEG, I was slowly backed off of some of my medications so that they could record my seizures and I must thank God that I had one prior to 2 seizures which allowed me to indicate that it was happening, helps doctors with interpreting the location and type of seizures that you may be having.

posted April 2
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I have auras sometimes which helps to avert a larger seizure but I have other times when the seizure just happens especially the seizures due to my photosensitivity or the hot weather. One of my mottos for epilepsy has been “expect the unexpected” Keep in mind seizure patterns can change as mine has in the years of having epilepsy so you may experience auras in the future but hopefully you’ll suffer NO MORE SEIZURES ☺️

posted April 2
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I have been very fortunate where mine have happened and when as they could have led to someone or me being severely hurt. I was still able to drive when I was having some of my past seizures and was in my car parked or just not driving yet when I had the seizure.

posted April 1
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Apply for disability or go to vocational rehab to be retrained. Keep a calendar of ALL dates of auras, headaches, and seizures and let your doctor know every time you have a seizure!

posted June 9
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I just recently in the past year have started recognizing my auras....which can be a type of seizure in its own... Though I've started recognizing them....they still don't tell me exactly when I'm about to have one so I just always carry an emergency nose spray medicine that pulls me out of them bc I have clusters of Grand Mal seizures. That emergency med (liquid Ativan) has saved my life on several different occasions. Maybe ask ur doctor if u are a patient that could really benefit from the backup medicine.

posted April 2

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No Auras, No Warning.

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭

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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
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