Seizure rescue treatments are used separately from a person’s daily anti-seizure drug routine. Instead of taking the place of antiepileptic drugs, these medications and devices typically work alongside those AEDs to limit or stop seizures that do any of the following:
Rescue medication works best when taken only as needed, during a seizure event. In this way, rescue therapy can stop seizures and keep a seizure emergency from happening.
A person with epilepsy may be able to use different types of rescue treatments. It is important, however, to find the best form that works for each individual.
Depending on the individual, a person with epilepsy may take a seizure rescue medication in the following forms:
Seizure rescue medicines are often from a class of drugs called benzodiazepines, which includes diazepam and midazolam. This type of medication gets into the bloodstream quickly, then rapidly takes effect in the brain. It works by calming the brain during a seizure and slowing its electrical activity. As brain function slows down from the medication, the seizure activity decreases.
Although rescue medications help to calm a hyperactive brain in the middle of a seizure, the drugs mentioned above each take a different pathway to get to the brain. These pathways play a role in how quickly each type of rescue medication will work.
Oral seizure rescue medications can quickly get the medicine to the brain so it can begin taking effect. Some can take 15 to 30 minutes to begin to work; others can take effect more quickly.
Clonazepam (Klonopin), for example, is available as a pill or a quickly dissolving tablet. Many health care professionals prescribe this type of rescue medicine for long-lasting seizures because of its speed and effectiveness. One study found that, for around 70 percent of people, dissolving oral clonazepam wafers could halt a seizure in less than 10 minutes about half of the time. For some participants, the drug could stop seizures within one minute about half the time.
One MyEpilepsyTeam member reported how successful clonazepam has been for them. They said, “I put a tablet of clonazepam under my tongue to dissolve. It very quickly stops the seizures.”
When a person with epilepsy takes a nasal form of rescue medicine, the medication enters their bloodstream and brain quickly. These drugs take effect faster than oral medications and may pause a seizure within minutes of inhaling them. They can also last a long time.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved two drugs in this category for treating seizure clusters: a form of midazolam sold as Nayzilam and a form of diazepam sold as Valtoco. According to the Epilepsy Foundation, the effects of Nayzilam may last up to six hours, and Valtoco may remain effective for up to two days.
One MyEpilepsyTeam member commented, “We use Valtoco, another kind of nasal rescue medicine. It works fabulously and stops the seizure in its tracks!”
One research study found that midazolam nasal spray stopped a seizure cluster in less than 10 minutes in about half of all people over 11 years old. In addition, those seizures did not return for about six hours.
When given via the rectum, a rescue medicine absorbs quickly into the bloodstream. Diastat AcuDial is an FDA-approved benzodiazepine rectal gel formulation of diazepam. This type of rectal gel may stop a seizure within 15 minutes. It’s approved for people 2 years and older who experience long-lasting seizures — provided they are also taking regular daily seizure medication. The effect of the medication can last for almost two days.
A clinical study showed diazepam rectal gel was effective at stopping seizures: Sixty-two percent of people in the study remained free of seizures for 12 to 24 hours after taking the medicine.
Implantable Device for Seizure Rescue Therapy
People with epilepsy may have an alternative treatment to medication: having a vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) device implanted in their chest. The goal of vagus nerve stimulation is to decrease the length of time, the number, and the severity of a person’s seizures. This device acts as a seizure rescue therapy when needed.
The implant surgery connects the device to the vagus nerve, which runs between the brain and the rest of the body via the neck. When stimulated with electricity from the apparatus, the vagus nerve sends signals to the brain that can help decrease seizure activity.
Normally, the VNS device gives an electrical pulse through the vagus nerve to the brain for approximately 30 seconds every five minutes; the rate can vary from person to person. When someone gets a seizure and needs a stronger VNS signal, they can swipe a magnet over the stimulator to increase the intensity. If a person’s seizure is severe enough, their caregiver can move the magnet over their chest. Other VNS devices increase intensity by sensing a person’s heart rate rise during a seizure.
Concerning VNS, one MyEpilepsyTeam member commented, “My child has had a vagus nerve stimulator for over seven years because of their drop seizures. We swipe them, and the seizures stop.”
Research shows that VNS decreases people’s seizure activity by 50 percent or more in about half of the people studied. To get this level of benefit, research shows that people usually need to use their VNS device for at least one year.
It’s important to know the pros and cons of each seizure rescue therapy. This allows a person to make an informed decision — along with their doctor — about which therapy is best for them.
If a person is concerned about any of the downsides to a form of rescue treatment, they should discuss other options for seizure rescue medicine with their doctor.
Here are the pros and cons of each type of rescue therapy.
Oral rescue medications come with the following benefits:
The drawbacks of oral rescue medications include the following:
Taking a rescue therapy as a nasal spray comes with the following benefits:
The nasal form of seizure rescue medications carries the following cons:
The rectal form of seizure rescue medicines carry the following benefits:
The drawbacks of taking a seizure rescue therapy rectally include the following:
VNS devices as a form of rescue therapy for seizures carry the following benefits:
VNS devices carry the following cons:
MyEpilepsyTeam is the social network for people with epilepsy and their loved ones. On MyEpilepsyTeam, more than 104,000 members come together to ask questions, give advice, and share their stories with others who understand life with epilepsy.
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I've had epilepsy since the age of 1. In 1995 a temporal lobe removal took place as a scar came about due to a vaccine. Because the scar cannot be removed, I am stuck with it for life. With that being… read more