Has Anyone Ever Been Diagnosed With Temporal Lobe Seizures And Have You Been In Remission Off And On In Your Lifetime?
Interesting. I’m the opposite of you as far as memory is concerned even though I do tend to forget as we all do as we age. My cousin still is mesmerized by my ability to remember things as far back to when we were kids and she can’t 😂. I use memory association. She doesn’t.
Yes, @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member, I’ve had mine longer than you but mine don’t occur every day. I was just curious. Mine do not stick around either so I get to enjoy a break every now and then.
I have Left Temporal Lobe Epilepsy ( left TLE ) ..I never experienced Remission with it
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I’ve never made it longer than 2 months without a seizure so I’m on medication for life too. I’ve had bilateral temporal lobe seizures for over 30 years.
I have it. Had it since my early teens. Take 3 meds. 63 yrs old. Married and just learn to deal with it
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