What Types Of Seizures Cause Memory Loss And Why?
Most seizures unless very mild , will damage the brain a little . Down below this message is actuality a big seizure, on a EEG monitor . But when the brain waves start spiking like this , is like a big storm in your brain. They will always cause some kind of struggle in the brain. Especially after a seizure, making us ,
1. Have Bad memory
2 Have trouble speaking, slurring, and studdering
3 Have trouble with balance
4 possibly feel angry and other emotional bursts
These are just a few of the thing we go through after the seizure.
TC seizures are of higher risk of doing damage especially if there pro longed.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I have Temporal Lobe Seizures and definitely lost my memory when I started having seizures. Temporal Lobe Seizures can cause the part of the brain responsible for learning (hippocampus) to shrink. The loss of brain cells in the hippocampus can cause memory problems.
Certain types of seizures, their locations and even the smallest seizures in general. Even one lasting a few seconds or less can cut out parts of the day/memory regardless of its location. A seizure or seizure activity only lasting one second can cause a gap in your memory even though it's not a long partial or grand-mal the seizure or activity can cause memory loss one to several seconds prior to the incident and due to the effect that it has on the brain cells it can or will get worse over time or may slow down to the point where you start to remember more of future events due to proper treatments.
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I Hope Everyone Is Getting Better 👍 I Like Dealing With Difficult Situations Because When You Think Long Enough Anything Can Be Solved.