Does Vertigo Have Any Thing To Do With Epilepsy?
yes and no... depends on you, the type of seizure(s), the side effect of the med, or a little bit of both.
Good question I had that awhile back thinking it was seizure but doc prescribed vertigo meds. Take only as needed.
Yes, Olivia, bryanmartin2 just gave a good explanation. I usually experience it beforehand, but sometimes after, too.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member that narrows it down... side effects or the tonic-clonic (blackouts). if the vertigo is minutes befor or after a seizure... that is a warning seizure (before) or recovery time (after). if the vertigo is constant... it is the med side effects. you may have both.
If you're depression is the cause of it . Just try to calm yourself, I can't say how it is for everyone but try to work through it for yourself an your body
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Vertigo Or Seizures
Does Anyone Experience Vertigo With Epilepsy?