How Do You See Your Reading Abilities? Do You Think Ok, Good, Great, With Your Condition Of Seizures? And Writing?
I'm not knocking anyone on the question here, but I read about ok I'd say, I read about 163 wpm, but I do stop on some words and try and pronounce, I do try and learn from that and improve my vocabulary also, I'm not a know it all, but I like to learn new things, my writing is ok with me also, I won't mind getting faster but not a speed reader, I gradually get to my pace I'm comfortable with, I'm ok now though.what your thoughts here,?
I’m decent with reading as in comprehension. But being able to, where I could finish a novel , no thank you. Many people in my family and relatives, who read novels , can finish them, within 3-5 days. Me on the other hand , would probably take weeks to finish.
It's not what it used to be. My comprehension stinks and I used to have a vast vocabulary.
Finally I’m not the only person 👆
If I read something by the time I get to the end I forgot. My writing has changed a lot. I can’t a write in small because no one would understand it
Good for you for learning new vocabulary. My reading is less, but I think that is due to my depression and just not being able to concentrate
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