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Why Do Seizures Evolve In Such A Violent Manner?

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Mesa, AZ

So this is something I'm saying that I've told doctors multiple times, seizures change. Mine for example, it started out as epilepsy when I was 5 years old now it's a variety of types of seizures that doctors one can't give a specific diagnosis or treatment to and two with how frequently they change it makes it almost impossible to track which from my last EMU which stands for Epilepsy Monitoring Unit the neurologist told me that unless they get an exact reading the one and only option I had… read more

June 11, 2024
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

That's the greatest fear of everyone with Epilepsy. You're not alone. I strongly believe that the body and brain are able to heal themselves IF given the right conditions. Talk to your doctor about doing a full blood test and trying to look at your Epilepsy holistically - where are the imbalances in your body and what can be done to try to correct these over time and reduce the seizures?

We started on this journey with my daughter (19) just 5 months ago and I am remaining hopeful. Though at 19, having only started having seizures 3 years ago, it takes time to learn to give the body and brain the right conditions.

Stay positive and don't give up looking for solutions!

June 15, 2024
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

A seizure is like an electrical storm going off in the brain. Neurons in the brain are misfiring and the brain is unable to give the body messages, so the body sometimes violently convulses during a grand Mal/ tonic-clonic seizure.

June 15, 2024
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

It's dif per person, I have had my condition as for my condition of epilepsy since age 7, at first I didn't know what I had, it took a while to get used to, but after the diagnosis and the doctors, test,. meds etc, I have a new doc I met about 5yrs ago, she has gotten my current condition now more stable than before, still have my seizures time to time, I don't worry about them that much about like at first, I'm ok with how they are and that is my opinion here, so hang in there and try and stay pos, my opinion

June 11, 2024
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

There are many things doctors won't look at or even acknowledge today. Long story short, before 1910, there were MANY more ideas doctors could & would use to treat your whole body. Go look up "What did John D. Rockefeller have to do with medicine?" and "The Flexner Report" and you'll see exactly what caused medicine to be turned on its head from what it had been for centuries -simply for the greed $$$ of 3 men 114 years ago.
Getting the word out as much as everyone can is what needs to be done to reverse this mess. There are tons of things that can be looked up on YouTube as well as far as everything that causes problems for our health nowadays (many chronic conditions of which didn't exist 100 years ago -because of what MAN has done to CAUSE them!)

June 17, 2024
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I have had sezuires were I have cracked my head open nearly 2-3 times , I have had a lot of sezuires like u and feel scared , also I feel down for u

June 16, 2024
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
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