Is There Any Type Of Suggestions To Help Manage Seizures For A 13yr Old Girl?
My daughter is currently in the hospital because of her seizures. She is 13 yrs old and absolutely terrified. We have not been able to identify her triggers, or narrow down a medication to help control them. She does have " unusual " types and consistently. Any type of advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!!
If your daughter has sever seizure’s, Cluster Seizures, or seizures that last 2 minutes plus , you may want to talk to her Neurologist / Epileptologist about having Lorazepam ( Ativan ) for seizure recovery.
I use it as needed , when I have more than two seizures that day.
It's dif per person,I have had my condition since 7, I suggest you give her all the love for her her you can, I'm sure you do, but also the support you can and do get to doing some research online and find out about the condition of epilepsy you can, ask any questions you need to her doc and that will help her as well, any other sources of support and encouragement etc, she's terrified like you have put in your post here, It is something she had come into her life with and didn't expect, it's going to take a while to even begin to know what is happening to her, but try to make her as comfortable as relaxed and loved as you can, I'd say do it as you can, but don't overdo it like she takes notice something is not right here and pouring on too thick expression, you know what I mean, but hang in there and try and stay pos and you daughter also, my opinion
I've had stare seizures my whole life. I had my 1st Granmal seizure at 13. They've never been able to find the cause. Knowing she's not alone and knowledge is key. Wishing you the best of luck
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I was 17 years old when I got the Vagus Nerve Stimulator (VNS)
Try to think what she's doing when she has a seizure . Has she been under alot of stress lately? Has anything changed not necessarily medication changes . More like has something at school changed or has she changed what she eats. I used to be so sensitive to sugar. When people have epilepsy change can be a trigger . In the summer heat can be a big one . It must scare your daughter not knowing why she's having all these seizures. I can relate. It's a muscle memory for me to always know but, in this life epilepsy triggers can change in an instant and what they look like as well.
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