Been Feeling A Lot Of Pulsating Upstairs The Past Couple Of Days. Could This Be A Sign Of Something Getting Ready To Start?
Slept very little last night. Could not for the life of me fall asleep.
It's so good to get back to you all. Today is the 2nd day I've felt like I could communicate and understand what others are saying since .y seizure and hospital stay 3 weeks ago.
Hello Irene6, Have A Good, Peaceful, Seizure-Free Night. 💜❤💜
Margery that’s so true . I thought about investing in a wheelchair for myself to help with this. I really don’t have a problem using one of those for the day if I need to.
Look at people who can't walk due to real permanent damage by comparison. To feel this way just cause of epilepsy? Fully able to walk,talk, think be our normal self after the seizure passes is great. Bright side of epilepsy also needs attention to relax minds and cope with it too.
Lena Davis no apology is need. It okay. We’re all in the same boat. Anymore I feel like I could be using a wheelchair do to my condition. I’ve felt this way for awhile now.
Who Is Eligible For VNS?
Pregnancy And Epilepsy Medicines?
What Type Of Seizures Does The Vns Implant Helpful For?