After Having A Gran Mal Seizure, Were You Extremely Tired And Had Little Physical Strength. I Couldn't Carry My Briefcase The Day After.
Yes, I am always very tired and have little to no strength and it usually will last me 1 to 3 days..I literally will have to do nothing for those days..
I am definitely weaker, and worn out, with sore muscles, a headache, and an extremely painful jaw.
Definitely. I had a paramedic tell me that a grand mal is the equivalent of running a marathon in minutes energy wise.
I never had any Tonic Clonics , but I use to have strong Cluster Siezure that could be almost be as bad as a Gran Mal ( Tonic Clonic ) seizures. By the time my clusters stopped , I would be so exhausted, , that I would be knocked out into the next day .
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member If I take a Grand Mal I have to sleep after it. I always have. I can get away with a cup of tea after a Petit Mal - depending how bad it is. However, the older I’m getting, I’m finding those really hard to deal with also now. Sometimes, I go to bed for a couple of hours if I’ve had a lot of the absences during the day.
Is It Normal To Completely Forget Something The Day After Having A Gran Mal?
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