Does Anyone Else Not Know Exactly Where Their Seizures Come From Bin The Brain?
I’ve had many eeg test including 2 week long studies but never had a seizure. They asked if I’d be willing to withdraw from my medicine during them but I said no due to them being so incredibly violent. I was terrified of having more brain damage. I have a venous angioma at left temporal lobe so possibly there.
In my own type there is no one starting point as an EEG while having a seizure shows. No MRI has shown anything either. Its all from the brain's electrical sys having too mich then just shorting out so a seizure occurs. Why is unknown same sys as our thoughts come from also too complex to explain. But at least we know epilepsy is not a mental illness finally.
I agree now. I was 22 at the time and didn’t know any better
My Epileptologist does know where my Seizures are located . Ive had clinical EEGs and inpatient EEGs , in the Seizure Units, at the hospital . There wasn’t any choice for me to not reduce my medication a little every day.
There were always medical staff on alert in my unit. I was also watched thru a video camera throughout the whole Unit . So if If left my room to visit other patients in the leisure room , they can watch me there also . When my seizures start showing their head the staff know what procedures to do , during the seizure ( no matter how big or sever it is.
In fact, the seizure unit alway wants their patients to have a big seizure . The bigger the seizure, that easy to figure out where they are located .
In your case @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member ( My opinion ) , you shouldn’t of been able to choose , on whether or not they reduce your meds. They should of warned you about the medication reduction. Like I said above, the bigger the seizure,, the better answer, they will be. It will help them, figuring out where your seizures are located
I had the deep route EEG, and that is when they decided that I was able to have the surgery after changing doctors and him looking at the outcomes. I am now almost 10 years post-surgery. I am doing things that were said to be impossible. I am going on for my Masters degree. I had part of the left-temporal lobe removed.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , Most of my seizures are active in my Left Temporal Lobe . But there are a couple of other areas I have Focal impairment awareness ( complex Partial ) seizures.. I am unaware when my seizures happen.
My seizures last between 20 to 60 seconds. That how short they are. I don’t think the EEG was able to get enough Data for that short of a seizure. At least not until I had that large Convulsion. It lasted 2 + minutes. It was what they were looking for.
Well this is what I understood from my Dr.
Is Having Speech Difficulties Signs Of Having A Seizure? Or Is It Side-effects From Medications?
Different Seizures
I Have A Question For You All?