How Do You Feel And What Do You Do When People Who Don’t Know Anything Try To Tell You About Your Epilepsy And Seizures?
If they think they know everything about Epilepsy. I don’t even bother talking to them . What I may explain, they won’t want to hear, because they think they are 100% correct.
Now, if they want to understand Epilepsy better , then I will talk about it with them . They can tell me what they know or think they know . I will help them understand,
On what’s true and what’s not, or is a myth belief .
I inform them about epilepsy, the type I have, the many other types of epilepsy, and what it means to be epileptic. I also give them a first aid course on what they should do in case someone has a seizure. I overshare, so they probably get more than they bargained for, but they sure as heck would know about epilepsy. And woe be to the person who tried to tell me anything about my epilepsy. My answer would be like typing in all caps.
I just don’t want to be bothered with them. I just change the subject bcse if I don’t I will end up getting upset then eventually have a seizure. It really bothers me. If someone wants to understand then I will talk with them but if not then I just walk away.
I hate having seizures. I had been seizure free for a long time, working as a nurse, with no issues. Now in one year I have had 4, since losing my husband.
I try to be patient but also tell them they are wrong. I have come too far to take their crap anymore. This August, for me, is ten years seizure-free with my brain surgery. I am doing things that were said to be impossible. My brain surgeon crossed my state to attend my graduation! There are so many examples it is sad. I dealt with many different groups of people that were "ready for you". When I arrived, the opposite was found. I would bring in the epilepsy foundation; they would see things differently. My family has been fighting to not have me get my degrees because they say I am giving up my disability, and that is wild. I have been teaching them otherwise the whole way.
The last school I tried to attend for my Master's degree, I had to teach this the hard way. They said if this was not a visible disability, there was no disability; therefore, no change needed to be made. I first took a three-mile run to calm down from their RUDE!!! Response, and then I had a twenty-page reply. There will be more updates when the court is done dealing with their stupidity.
I never give up. I am breaking all expectations, and I never give up. Don't settle. Keep pushing on and prove them all wrong!!
Forum For An Application I Want To Create.
Does Or Has Anyone Ever Felt Embarrassed About Telling Someone About Their Seizures?
How Would Youmake The World Undestand How It Feels To Live With Epilepsy