What Kind Of Sleep Alarms Do They Have For Seizures
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member that means when noctunal seizures... the heart rate went up and that causes your body to 'wake up time'. when you are sleeping, everything is slowed down. when noctunal seizures starts... and the heart rate goes up... sometimes your body will wake up from sleep.
thay do not. little is known about noctunal seizures. if you are awake thien it is different. then you will get embrace2. but that is only for tonic clonic seizures. i wear a fitbit charge. thay have a heart rate monator. i set my fitbit to beep if the heart rate is too high. works ok.
My heart rate is already high 24/7 for some reason. I’ve had 2 tests done and one said my heart is normal. I’m waiting on the recording I had done while I was in the hospital during Father’s Day.
I didn't know they made a special one or for that, I think that would be your call, my opinion
I use my cell phone alarm
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