Do All Seizures Begin With An Aura?
My last two did not have any auras. The latest one I think was mixed with anxiety because it didn’t begin like a full blown seizure but more like an anxiety attack or panic attack.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
Doctors do find activity on the RNS when I have an aura and don’t go into a seizure. One time I was at the doctor and they were looking at my brain waves on the RNS. I started to feel an aura but I didn’t say anything because it was small. Then the doctors looked at me and said “You’re having an aura aren’t you?” I told them yes. So I write down the time of all my auras and use a magnet🧲
To answer your question I have no clue. I just thought it was strange in my world that I had a seizure without warning (without a n aura). I guess there’s always a first 😂. I do know that my seizures are never the same.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I help people as much as I can too to get out of the house. You have a nice day too.
Years ago when I was a young child my seizures did not begin with an aura, they would just happen which was quite scary for my family as I constantly needed to be watched. We did not know if the seizure would be a gran mal or a complex partial type. Very scary issue during that part of my life until the right type of combination medication was found.
it depence... i have aura, simple partale, complex partials and tonic clonics. some only do 1 thing... be it tonic, simple partials, atonic, clonic, absent, ect. some have absent and then the tonoc clonic. so no with a but.
How Long Should An Aura Last?
How Do You Know You Had A Siezure?
Does Having An Aura But Not Having A Full Seizure Count As Staying Seizure Free?